Monday, May 31, 2010

Weekend Before Leaving

So first of all can I just say that packing up all you own and separating it into three different places is really hard?
I had to do that with everything I owned in Greenville the weekend of graduation. Luckily, I had roommates and my mom to help me calm down and put everything in order. But of course I still forgot things that were important.
I had to pack for my next semester at Greenville, living in the Walker's basement and everything I would need there. Next, I packed my suitcases for the Dominican. Then I added things in those suitcases in which I would need for my two weeks home after the Dominican, and also the things I would need before Jordan's wedding. It was crazy and insane, for the most part I figured it out!

The weekend before I left was graduation, in which my whole family was together again. It was so awesome to finally have them there, and to be able to share in another big step in my life. I thought that graduating would be a time in which I cried like a baby, but since I'm coming back in the fall for my student teaching, I knew that I would see most of the people again. That didn't stop me from taking as many pictures as I could, as my mom followed me around like my own personal paparazzi. My brother and dad left that night to start the long drive home, and I got some girl hangout time with my mom and sister. We left the next morning at about 4 in the morning, my roommate Kate drove us. Kate and I then stopped for breakfast with my wonderful friend Angie to say bye for the summer. Then we headed to Kate's hometown for the week before Jordan's wedding!

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